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These netball footwork drills will help to ensure your players don’t lose the ball, and will give your team the edge over your opponents. Footwork is one of the most underrated parts of netball, with nimble footwork being able to completely change the game.

Footwork is needed for shooting, passing, and affects practically every other part of netball. The fact that it’s not allowed to run with the ball also highlights the need for good footwork. These netball footwork drills will soon transform those clumsy players into nimble netball ninjas.

Netball Footwork Rules

Before practicing these netball footwork drills it’s important to know all of the rules associated with footwork in netball. The most basic rule is that a player is not allowed to walk or run with the ball.

When a player catches the ball, the first foot that lands on the ground is the landing foot. The landing foot should remain grounded until the ball is thrown. If the landing foot is lifted, the ball must be thrown before the foot is regrounded.

If the player regrounds the landing foot while in possession of the ball, it will be a stepping and a free pass will be awarded to the opposition.

A player is not allowed to drag or slide the landing foot. If a player drags or slides the landing foot while in possession of the ball, it will be a dragging and a free pass will be awarded to the opposition.

A player is not allowed to hop on either foot with the ball. If a player hops on either foot while in possession of the ball, it will be a hopping and a free pass will be awarded to the opposition.

The other foot can be grounded, lifted and moved in any direction.

Netball Footwork Drills :

Figure Eight Drill

This netball footwork drill is great for beginners and focuses on sharpening players footwork.

  • Horizontally place two cones more than a shoulders width apart from each other
  • The player should then circle around the two cones in a figure eight movement
  • Focus on small precise steps around the cones and put an emphasis on the speed of the footwork

Harder Variations

First Variation

  • Have another person randomly call out to the player who is performing the figure eight drill
  • When the player is called they should immediately run through the space between the two cones
  • Focus on the speed of the run

Second Variation

  • Another variation is that the player performs lateral hops side to side behind the two cones when called
  • Focus on the stability of the hops and make sure the players knees don’t wobble

Third Variation

  • To make this drill even harder have a player stand opposite with a ball
  • Have the player throw the ball to the opposite player while they’re working the figure eight

Here is a video demonstration of this netball footwork drill.

X-Box Drill

A quick paced netball footwork drill to improve footwork, hip movement, and to help players perform better under pressure.

  • Set up a square with four cones
  • Make sure each cone is a different color
  • The player stands in the middle and does fast feet on the spot
  • The player moves one foot towards the direction of the color called

Harder Variations

First Variation

  • The player runs in the direction of whichever color cone is called
  • The player should backpedal to the cones if the color of the cone called is behind them
  • Make sure the player stays facing one way , when they move they should focus on moving the hips and not their entire body

Second Variation

  • The player is in the middle of the x-box
  • When a color is called the player should run to that cone and receive a pass
  • Focus on good passing technique and making sure the player moves to the right cone

Third Variation

  • Have someone who is outside of the x-box throw the ball to random places in the x-box
  • This forces the player to use sharp footwork to move around the box in order to receive the ball
  • Focus on good footwork and passing technique

Fourth Variation

  • This variation also works great as a warm-up or fitness drill
  • The player is free to use nimble footwork to move to whichever cone and should move to and from cones with speed
  • You can perform this drill in sets of 45-60 seconds
  • Focus on the speed of the footwork

Here is a video demonstration of this netball footwork drill.

Ladder Netball Footwork Drill

A great drill to help really sharpen up your players footwork skills.

  • have your players line up behind a sports ladder
  • Have the players go down the ladder one after the other
  • Start off simply, and tell players to only put one foot in each ladder
  • Emphasize minimal contact with the ground, fast footwork and tell players to look up as if they were preparing to receive a pass

Harder Variations

First Variation

  • The players perform the same drill except this time they put two feet in each ladder
  • If players start with their right foot, then have them lead with their left foot when they come back around
  • Focus on no stumbling and speed
  • Players naturally look down, so keep encouraging them to keep their eyes up

Second Variation

  • For this variation have the players go down the drill laterally
  • Make them lead with their outside foot
  • Practice leading with both feet
  • Again focus on eyes up, good footwork and speed

Fourth Variation

  • Have the players go down the ladder with the one two in then out technique
  • Players put one foot in and one foot out of the ladder, then the out foot goes in and the in foot goes out and so on
  • This drill is more advanced so have players start off slowly then build up the speed
  • Emphasize eyes up and correct technique

Here is a video demonstration of this netball footwork drill.

Netball goal post

Diamond Footwork Drill

This netball footwork drill is really simple and so can be done practically anywhere.

  • Set up four cones in a diamond formation
  • The player starts at the bottom of the diamond
  • They drive up on a diagonal to one of the side cones, then move across to the other side cone
  • The player turns their hips and moves back to the bottom cone
  • From there they drive straight up past the top cone and the drill is repeated

Harder Variations

First Variation

  • The player repeats this drill except this time they move to the other side
  • Perform with more speed

Second Variation

  • For this variation pass the ball to the player as they drive up to the top cone

Here is a video demonstration of this netball footwork drill.

Netball Taps Drill

A great drill that helps players with footwork and which also requires zero equipment.

  • This drill is most effective when the players are similar heights
  • Have two players stand a short distance opposite each other
  • Players should move around the pitch while mirroring each other
  • Players tap each others shoulders while they’re moving

Harder Variations

First Variation

  • This time have players try to tap each others knees
  • Make sure players have their eyes up otherwise they could bump heads

Second Variation

  • For this variation have the players try to touch each others toes with their feet
  • Encourage constant movement
  • Emphasize gentle taps and good footwork technique

Here is a video demonstration of this netball footwork drill.

Explosive Netball Footwork Drill

One of the best netball footwork drills to help players become more explosive whilst also sharpening their footwork, this also works great to improve players fitness.

  • Horizontally place two cones a short distance from each other
  • Have the players move from one cone to the other
  • Make sure players don’t sidestep and instead have them turn their hips to the opposite cone and then explode
  • Focus on explosiveness and make sure the players are activating all of their leg muscles

Harder Variations

First Variation

  • This time give players a cue (whistle, shout etc) and throw them a ball
  • When players hear the cue they should move towards the ball to receive a pass

Second Variation

  • This variation is the same as the last one except this time there is no cue and passes are thrown randomly

Here is a video demonstration of this netball footwork drill.

Stepping Drill

This is a great netball footwork drill to help players learn to stop stepping.

  • Set up a big square with four cones
  • At the bottom two cones station two players, one on each cone, each with a ball
  • At the top two cones have two groups of two or more players lining up behind each cone
  • The person at the start of the line of the top two cones runs into the middle
  • They then hop and receive a pass from the opposite bottom player
  • They have to choose which foot will be their landing foot, then they turn around and pass to the line of players
  • They then run to the back of the line and this process is repeated
  • make sure players keep their chosen landing foot grounded
  • Emphasize bent knees when hopping
  • Encourage them to drive towards the ball when receiving pass

Harder Variations

First Variation

  • Have the players repeat this drill except this time they perform a one two/stride stop instead of a hop
  • A one two hop is when players land on one foot before the other, for example if they land with their right foot then their left
  • Again make sure players keep their chosen landing foot grounded

Second Variation

  • Change the square into two cones a good distance opposite each other
  • This time players line up behind both cones
  • A player from the top line runs to the middle to receive a pass from the bottom line and passes back to their top line
  • Then a player from the bottom line goes to receive a pass from the middle and passes to his line
  • Then the top line player runs to receive a pass and so on

Third Variation

  • Tell players which foot to land on first

Here is a video demonstration of this netball footwork drill.

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