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These netball dodging drills will help players to work on one of the most underrated skills in netball. Dodging is an important skill used to help a player get free from the player that is marking them, so they can receive the ball.

Dodging is one of the best ways to outwit defenders and is one of the best ways to create space between you and the defender who is marking you. There are two main dodging techniques, the single dodge and the double dodge.

How To Perform A Dodge:

  • Keep your body upright, your feet shoulder width apart and have your knees slightly bent
  • The player moves a few steps away from the intended catching position
  • They place their outside foot strongly on the ground, and push off in the opposite direction, turning their hips towards where they’re travelling
  • They pump their arms to accelerate and extend their arms to receive the ball
  • A double dodge is when there are two dodges performed, (dodge then move then dodge again)
  • All movements when dodging should be quick and decisive
  • Also be sure that players keep their eyes on the thrower

Here is a video demonstration of how to perform a dodge in netball.

Netball goal post

Netball Dodging Drills:

Single Dodge Netball Dodging Drill

  • Have a player run around in a constant circle movement
  • Every time the word “player” is shouted by a coach or teammate the player should perform a dodge

Harder Variations

first variation

  • Place some cones down in a circle formation (imagine they are players)
  • Have the player run in a circle movement like before
  • Every time the word “player” is shouted the player performing the drill should dodge one of the cones

second variation

  • This time every time the word “player” is shouted have the player performing the drill dodge the cone, then drive forwards as if receiving a pass

third variation

  • Have players double dodge then drive forwards as if to receive a ball when the word “player” is called

Here is a video demonstration of this netball dodging drill.

Roll Out Netball Dodging Drill

  • When the word “player” is called the player performing the drill should perform a roll out, imagining that the cones are defenders
  • To perform a roll out face the player marking you, staying on the balls of your feet
  • Then when the pass is thrown, turn around and drive forward to receive the pass
  • You can also perform a full 360 turn when receiving the pass to confuse the marking player
  • After players become comfortable with this dodge they can combine all three types of dodging when performing the drill

Here is a video demonstration of this netball dodging drill.

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